Why Earn Your HFR
Fully Understand the Real Estate Financing Process and Options
The Home Finance Resource (HFR) certification course is designed to teach REALTORS® how to explain key pieces of the loan origination process to clients and confidently answer questions and provide resources for mortgage options.
Being HFR certified will equip you with the knowledge and skills to help homebuyers navigate the mortgage lending process. You will be able to explain the financing processes and support buyers as they apply to purchase their home.
Understand Mortgage Financing
Understand all aspects of mortgage financing to add value for your clients and grow a thriving real estate business.

Navigate the Application and Approval Process
Explain how the mortgage industry works and the process for applying for and getting approved for a mortgage, including the different types of lenders available to clients.
Ensure Compliance with Fair Housing and Equal Credit Laws
Explain how the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) work to provide equal opportunity to housing and fair, unbiased access to financing for all potential homebuyers.

Differentiate Between Various Mortgage Types and Options
Distinguish between conventional versus government-backed mortgages, including different types of government-backed mortgages, fixed versus adjustable-rate mortgages, as well as jumbo and reverse mortgages.
Guide Clients from Pre-Approval to Closing
Discuss the importance of pre-approval to clients before looking for a home and financial management after being pre-approved to ensure successful closing. Provide troubleshooting tips to clients with low credit scores, who don’t understand how to assess loan estimates, or who have a lender pre-approval come in too low.

Develop a Comprehensive Mortgage Application Checklist for Your Clients
Create a mortgage application checklist that you can share with clients to help them better navigate the loan process.
Exclusive HFR benefits
Use of HFR logo and name
Listing in the HFR directory & differentiation on nar.realtor and realtor.com®
Personalizable Marketing Materials & Press Release
Quarterly e-newsletter
Access to the HFR networking & referrals Facebook group
After the initial application fee of $93 is paid, there are no annual certification dues, although you must maintain membership in NAR to use HFR.