Be The Ultimate Real Estate Resource With The Home Finance Resource Certification

With the Home Finance Resource (HFR) Certification you will learn the building blocks of the loan origination process and gain the core knowledge necessary to help clients understand the mortgage and financing processes to confidently guide your clients through a smooth homebuying experience.

Discover The Building Blocks of Mortgage & Financing

Understanding the loan origination process is crucial to buying a home, especially for new buyers. This course enables you to guide clients, recommend resources and professionals, and navigate potential mortgage challenges for your clients. The Home Finance Resource (HFR) certification course is designed to teach REALTORS® how to educate their clients on:

The Mortgage Process

Communicate how the mortgage industry works and the process for applying for and getting approved for a mortgage to buy a home.

Current Lending Conditions

Describe the state of mortgage lending today and the effect it has on the housing market, as well as individual homebuyers.

Types of Mortgage Products

Distinguish between conventional and government-backed mortgages and learn about alternative financing options.

How to earn your HFR certification

Show your clients that you fully understand the nuances of the mortgage process by earning the Home Finance Resource (HFR) certification.

There are 3 simple steps:

Step 1

Be a member in good standing with the National Association of REALTORS®.

Step 2

Complete the one-day Home Finance Resource (HFR) Certification Course.

Step 3

Submit your application and the one-time application fee of $93.

Choose a Realtor® That Fully Understands Mortgage & Financing

Homebuying can be confusing without a clear understanding of mortgages and financing. REALTORS® with the Home Finance Resource (HFR) certification are professionally trained to assist you in avoiding common pitfalls during your home purchase.